Quality Control


Patent Patent

2016 Patent application : Surface treating device for gloves surface
Trademark name : ECO GRIPMASTER (09,21style)
2015 Patent application : Bubble whisk
Patent application : Insulation Methods and Their Manufacturing Method with Thermal Insulation Function
Patent application : Work gloves and their manufacturing methods
2012 Patent application : Excellent water repellent Polyurethane resin coated glove and its manufacturing
method Patent application : Work glove for the work of the Stenosis disaster prevention structure
2010 Trademark Registration Certificate GRIPMASTER (the 9th industrial protective gloves, etc.)
Application No. 2008-55681
2009 Applying for a patent - The method to manufacture Guntlet gloves
2008 Trademark Registration Certificate: 14 cases including the Wooltran textile thread
2007 Patent : The method to manufacture the creased latex-coated gloves and the creased latex-coated gloves
manufactured with the method (Patent No. 10-076825 / Application No. 2006-0031985)
2005 Patent:The nylon gloves coating composite and the manufacturing method
(Patent No. 10-0476099 / Application No. 2003-0084433)
2003 Trademark Registration Certificate: 15 cases including the industrial X-ray protecting gloves
(Registration No. 0565817 / Application No. 2002-0033161)
1993 Patent: The polyester filament stretch sewing thread manufacturing method
(Patent No. 068300 / Application No. 90-011341)