Quality Control



R&D Network

  • Founded the research institute annexed to the company and established the industry-university cluster in 2008
  • Promoted the technology development by creating the industry-university-institute technology network with the research institute annexed to the company as the center
  • Developing the new material product by linking with the front and rear industries

The Research Institute Annexed to the Company

  • Developing the product with environment-friendly materials
  • the new coating technology
  • the gloves marufacturing technology by using the fibers and materials with complex factors, Studies Show Added

Chosun University

  • Requested to support the research and development and perform the development and analysis

Suncheon Techno-Park

  • Supporting the technical asset

Consortium of the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy

  • Developing the product throuht the advanced materials [Samyang Corporation and so on]